
  • Course Info

    Code: IF-3-AC

    ECTS credits: 2.0

    Lectures Hours: 9hrs (6*1.5hrs)

    Lab Hours: 16hrs (2*2hrs + 3*4hrs)

    Personal Work: 25hrs

    Language: spoken French, lecture slides in English, labworks in French.

    ECTS description: EN/FR


    Lecturer: Guillaume Beslon

    Instructors: Lionel Morel, Florent de Dinechin, Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas, Guillaume Salagnac, Lucas Chaloyard

    Course textbook

    Florent de Dinechin "protopoly" (This document covers many aspects of computer architecture, including AC and AO. It shall not be considered as lecture notes for the AC/AO lectures as it contains much more information).

    We also highly recommend the following references:

    • Computer Organization and Design, Fifth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface - David Patterson & John Hennessy - ISBN:0124077269 9780124077263

    • Architecture Logicielle et Matérielle - P. Amblard et al - online pdf (in French)

    Assistances / Q&A Sessions

    Q&A sessions are organized so you can ask course related questions outside the regular lectures and lab sessions. Q&A sessions are organized each Monday (starting October 2) from 1:00 to 2:00 PM in room 501.208.

    If you have questions but cannot attend Q&A sessions due to other lectures (humanities, sport...), contact the lecturer.

    Nouveau : Les sessions Q&A des 13 et 27 novembre seront assurées par Lionel Morel.

    Contrôle continu / Progress Evaluation

    3 Moodle Multiple Choice Questions exams will be organized during the course. The first one will not be evaluated and allows students to self-assess their knowledge and learn to use the MCQ Platform. The next two ones will be evaluated.

    The final grade will be computed from the two MCQ and from a final exam that will cover all the AC program (1h30). Labworks will NOT be evaluated in this lecture.

    • MCQ 1 will take place on week 43 (mandatory but not evaluated)
    • MCQ 2 will take place on week 47 (20% of the final grade)
    • MCQ 3 will take place on week 49  (20% of the final grade)

    See the dedicated section below.

    Final Exam

    Tuesday December 21th, 8:30AM-10:00AM  (60% of the final grade)

    Annales des sujets d'examen / Previous exams


    This course is a direct pre-requisite for "Computer Architecture" (lectured by Lionel Morel) and an indirect one for "Operating Systems" (lectured by Guillaume Salagnac).

  • Diaporama des Cours Magistraux - Lecture Presentations[in English]

    lecture #
    Slides last updated ...
    1 Introduction18/09/2023 - 10h
    1 Information coding 18/09/2023 - 10h
    2Boolean Logic25/09/2023 - 22h
    2 Combinatorial Circuits 25/09/2023 - 22h 
    2 Arithmetic Circuits25/09/2023 - 22h 
    3  Sequential Circuits and Memories  17/10/2023 - 8h 
    4 FSM 17/10/2023 - 8h 
    5 ASM and von Neumann machines 06/11/2023 - 21h 

  • TD-TP / Labs

    Labworks (aka "TD/TP") subjects are grouped into a single booklet available in electronic version below. This booklet contains all the labwork subjects for the AC lecture (TD1&2, TP1-3). Note that it is not planned to distribute hard copies of this booklet. The booklet contains important instructions regarding the specific organization of labworks. Please read them carefully.

    During lab sessions we will simulate digital circuits using the Digital software. Digital is a easy-to-use digital logic designer and circuit simulator designed for educational purposes. It is a multiplatform free software (Java) so you can download it and use it on your own machine: https://github.com/hneemann/Digital

  • Contrôle continu: QCM / Continuous Assessment: MCQ

    MCQ will be opened during one week, from Monday morning 8h to Sunday evening 23:59. Each MCQ lasts 30 minutes (starting from the first connexion to the platform). Each MCQ contains 20 questions. The three MCQ will cover the following topics

    • MCQ 1 (Week 43): Information coding, Boolean logic, Combinatorial circuits
    • MCQ 2 (Week 47): Information coding, Boolean logic, Combinatorial circuits, Sequential circuits, registers and memories, FSM
    • MCQ 3 (Week 48): Everything