Topic outline

    • This document is intended to serve both for training and for future reference.
      As a reference document, you may find it useful for the first biomaths class (3BS, Fall semester)
      and for linear algebra (3BIM, Winter Semester).

      When important concepts are encoutered for the first time, they highlighted in \textbf{bold} next to their

      Exercises are important, they can introduce theory or techniques that will be prove useful.
      We tried to make the examples as complete as possible. This means that they are long, you could probably
      solve them faster.

    • Version html. Les figures sont manquantes. Pour le document complet, incluant les figures, se référer à la version PDF.  html version. Figures are missing. For the complete document, refer to the PDF version.

  • QCM de remise à niveau en maths/Self-assessment Quiz