Opciones de matriculación

This curse aims at introducing the privacy issues associated with the use of digital technologies and to present the techniques and tools for the protection of personal data.

In particular :

  • The characterization of the notion of privacy and its different modes of protection (including law and technology)
  • The concept of personal data
  • Risks of invasion of privacy and their evaluation
  • Tracing in communication networks
  • Identification and inference of information about people
  • The tools of protection of the private life
  • The anonymisation techniques
  • The security and privacy of ML

Acquired skills

  • Understand privacy issues, associated risks and their impacts
  • Perform a critical analysis of a system from the point of view of the protection of personal data
  • Integrate privacy protection solutions into products


  • Privacy risk assessment and their impact on individuals (real examples and systematic approach to risk analysis)(Course)
  • Privacy-preserving tools privacy by design (Course)
  • Tool for strengthening control over personal data (Course)
  • Inference attacks and mobility trace protection (Project)
  • Wireless Communications and Privacy (TP)
  • Data anonymisation challenge (Project)
  • Security and Privacy in ML (Project)
  • Cyber-security crisis management exercise (Project)

Auto-matriculación (Visiteur)
Auto-matriculación (Visiteur)